The editing process was done with use of Adobe Premiere Pro CS4, which is industry standard, professional software that allows manipulation to moving videos and images, similarly to the way in that Adobe Photoshop allows manipulation of images. The suite that was used for editing also had specifically designed hardware in the computer tower, using graphics cards and processors to enable optimum operation with editing process, avoiding technical difficulties as much as possible.
Other video editing software are available, such as Windows Movie Maker which is a program that is on all standard Windows machines. However, Windows Movie Maker is a simplistic editing program compared to Premiere Pro. The perks of Premiere Pro over Windows Movie Maker is that multiple video tracks allow overlaying and the availability to make editing techniques such as split screening. Premiere Pro also gives complete audio manipulation, such as fading in /fading out the audio when chosen, unlike windows movie maker which does not. So, in conclusion, Premiere Pro is a more versatile and dynamic program offering much more variety. This is why I used Premiere Pro.
Other video editing software are available, such as Windows Movie Maker which is a program that is on all standard Windows machines. However, Windows Movie Maker is a simplistic editing program compared to Premiere Pro. The perks of Premiere Pro over Windows Movie Maker is that multiple video tracks allow overlaying and the availability to make editing techniques such as split screening. Premiere Pro also gives complete audio manipulation, such as fading in /fading out the audio when chosen, unlike windows movie maker which does not. So, in conclusion, Premiere Pro is a more versatile and dynamic program offering much more variety. This is why I used Premiere Pro.
Using such a powerful program to edit meant that creative visual possibilities were open, including the split screening technique seen in my music video, as well as the application of effects overlaying a piece of footage to make the video more aesthetically appealing. Split screen editing is done by the following process:
Firstly, the two videos must be placed one on top of the other. The footage on the higher video track must have the 'crop' transformation on it. this allows the framing of the footage to be altered. It is essential for the camera position of both videos to be exactly the same, stationary; split screening would not work otherwise.

To create my ancillary texts, it was mandatory to use Adobe Photoshop, another example of industry standard software used to create a hypothetical media text. Due to using Photoshop numerous times over the past two years (primary portfolio work: music magazine), following experimental and self-learning of the program, my skills using Photoshop have evolved significantly. For example, the use of the photo manipulation tools to completely distort the face of Sam on my magazine advert: I would never have thought to do this previously.
Alternative programs do exist, yet as an industry standard photo manipulation program, Photoshop is undoubtedly the best. GIMP is a free alternative to Photoshop, available on Windows, Mac and Linux, thus stives over the £1000 or so pound that Photoshop costs. GIMP has almost all the same tools that Photoshop has, yet are not as precise. The Photoshop community also offers plug-ins, extensions and add-ons helpful for expanding the interface. GIMP, however, does not have the same community and expansion ability. For this reason, Photoshop is above and beyond other manipulation software.
The psychedelic visual graphics seen throughout the video come from an Xbox 360. The Xbox 360's music player application comes with a visualizer which moves to the melody of the song played. The original idea was to make a kaleidoscope effect, yet the effect of the visuals worked so well alone, there was a decision made to use them throughout. They also relate to the psychedelic style of my ancillary texts as well as the vaguely psychedelic sound of the song. The idea to create a psychedelic ancillary texts stemmed from these visuals. The use of this Xbox visualiser was easily accessible and a simple domestic appliance, that is why this was used. Here is a video demonstrating the visualizer synchronised with the music player:

Linking to this is the use of Google Chrome over the conventional Windows Explorer. Using a Gmail account on Google Chrome allows access to your whole Google Chrome, such as the bookmarks you leave on it when you are at home, favorites, access to YouTube account, Blogger account and even search history. The screen shot above is a screen shot taken at college that uses this interface and is exactly the same at home. Internet Explorer does not have this convenience and synergistic advantage, thus use of Google Chrome over Window's Internet Explorer.

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