Sunday, 18 November 2012

Preparation for Filming


OBVIOUSLY camera + tripod

·         Strobe

·         Flowers (multiple) + petals

·         Stones

·         Kaleidoscope

·         Fake blood (or substitute)

·         Bottle w/ coloured paint.

·         THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY + DVD player and TV

·         Correct costume


In consideration of costume, we have thought about colour at certain points in the video.
Samwearing the colour blue. This is the conventional colour to convey a sense of melancholy and sadness, relating to the narrative. We also need Sam to wear the floral scarf in his belt hook. See the Storyboard Animatic & Connotations/Denotations post for reasoning behind this.
Fran wearing the colour red. This colour represents passion and desire, again relative to the narrative; the protagonist’s narrative viewpoint and feelings which are conveyed throughout the music video.

Sami Sami will be wearing predominantly the colour green. This colour will represent envy of the protagonist, relating to the narrative, as well as also connoting newness and freshness in context of the narrative situation with the conflicting trio

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